After the rumor that Apple won’t announce the next generation of the iPhone in June or July (which was the case with all previous iPhone announcements), comes a report that the new iPhone is coming in the fall.
Apple’s suppliers will begin production in July, and the finished product is likely to begin shipping in September, Reuters reports, citing sources familiar with the matter.
As for the actual features of the next-gen iPhone, details are scarce as always; one of Reuters’ sources claims the device will look similar to the iPhone 4, but it will feature a faster processor.
To quickly piece together all the iPhone rumors and reports we’ve seen, this is what we have:
- The white version of the iPhone 4 should become available within two to three weeks.
- The iPhone 5 (if that’s what Apple will call it) will be an evolutionary upgrade, visually similar to the
iPhone 4 but with a better camera, processor and a bigger screen.Take all of these with a grain of salt as Apple has been monolithically silent about the matter, as always.
My opinion
White version이 출시될 거라는 루머, 4와 흡사한 이미지 일 것이라는 루머, 한국 출시일 관련
여러 루머들이 난무하고 있습니다. 그만큼 Apple이 얼마나 큰 비중을 차지하고 있는지 보여주는
대목이라고 생각합니다.
또 다른 사람들은 iphone 4와 다른 것이 없고, 카메라의 화질이 더 좋아질 것이고 카메라 액정 즉
기존의 스크린보다 커질 것이라는 예상도 하고 있습니다.
현재 가장 이슈가 되고있는 국내 출시일, 아이폰 5의 디자인...
과연 Steve Jobs 는 어떠한 이미지와 어떠한 Presentation으로 또 한번 세상을 놀래켜 줄까요?
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